Hardware engineer with 17+ years experience in product development, R&D, hands-on manufacturing and modern high volume production methods.
I lead clients and engineering teams through design development and the engineering validation process. Background in medical instrumentation, ME, EE and ID.

Skilled at mechanical and system design, product integration, refinement, working prototypes, CAD/CAM, manufacturing, data acquisition and analysis.
My previous projects include consumer tech, medical devices, machine tools and electric vehicles comprising a wide variety of machined, molded, bent,
cast and composite components, rigid/flex electronics, robotics, electrodes, optics, sensors and IoT gadgets.


AssetWatch 2023
Lead Mechanical Engineer
Mechanical Engineer
- Built real-time condition monitoring IoT hardware as part of a comprehensive predictive maintenance platform.

Esper Bionics 2022-2023
- Worked with an award-winning human augmentation startup to develop the first bionic ecosystem in the world.

Population 2022
Technical Advisor
Co-Founder / Head of Hardware Engineering
Led product, hardware and research for a human-safe Far UV-C product for occupied spaces.
- Developed SBIR grant opportunities and designed aerosol COVID-19 research studies with Lawrence Berkeley National Labs.

Norbert Health 2021
Head of Hardware Engineering
Hardware engineering, device bring-up and production management of a multi mode non-contact health scanning device.
- Integration and testing of IR and RGB cameras, radar and onboard GPU. Management of EE, ME and contract manufacturing of the 5th generation devices.

Tarform Motorcycles 2019 - 2021
Lead Mechanical Engineer
Led engineering and prototyping effort for the Tarform first edition electric motorcycle Luna.
- Oversaw subs and in-house engineers to develop high voltage battery packs, chassis, suspension, display and various motorcycle components.
- Hand built the first bikes licensed for road-ready use.

CTRL-labs 2018 - 2019
Product Engineer
Developed a wrist wearable neural-computer interface, acquired by Facebook Reality Labs for $880M.
- Led mechanical engineering effort for CTRL-kit, the first public facing dev-kit release.
- Mechanical and electronics integration of the flexible 16-channel wireless EMG sensor, industrial design and DFM.
- Designed and built pliable electro-mechanical prototypes and generated new IP around streaming clean, noise and motion artifact free data from a wearable device.
(Inventor, Patent US20200022606A1)

Pensa, LLC. 2014 - 2018
Senior Mechanical Engineer
Managed combined mechanical engineering/industrial design teams to conceive, prototype, and engineer new products.
- Concept, design, manufacturing, test and new product introduction. Engineering handoff for contract manufacturing.
- One Drop. Diabetes + Data Driven Self Care.
Lotik, Wireless LoRaWAN water management sensors.
D.I.Wire Pro, Bench-top CNC wire bender.

Translational Neuroengineering. 2013 - 2014
Research Associate
EEG and ECoG hardware for implanted in-vivo observation of epileptic neural activity at NYU Medical Comprehensive Epilepsy Center.
- Designed devices compliant to IEC 60601 medical isolation standards for use in human neuro-stimulation studies.
- Wrote data acquisition and DSP software for cancer screening by impedance mapping of breast tissue.

MicroParticle PhotoPhysics Lab (MP3L). 2011 - 2013
National Science Foundation Research Fellow
Developed new theory and real-time analysis software for microscopic infrared biosensors.
- Constructed experimental instruments, optical devices and biosensors. Evaluated biosensor resonant frequency data to demonstrate specific single-protein sensitivity
to blood-borne markers and pathogens (MS2, polio) in solution without the need for additional labeling molecules.

Ferra Designs Inc. 2007 - 2011
Project Manager, Head Machinist
Engineered machined assemblies and working prototypes. Managed small run production in metals, plastics and composites.
- Drafted technical documents (GD&T), interfaced with clients and fabricators. Directed and oversaw multi-ton architectural installations.

Amorphic Robot Works. 2006 - 2007
CAD, Fabrication
Designed and fabricated robotic systems for a 7-story robotic transforming car, a replica of the iconic Citroën DS19.
- Machined, welded and assembled mechanisms, tools and fixtures.


TIME Magazine. 2022
- The Best Inventions of 2022: A Bionic Future - Esper Hand.
Dickstein, Leslie. 2021
- Reading the Room: Norbert Health Raises $5M Seed II for Contactless Vital Signs.
Hall, Christine. 2021
- Tarform's latest Luna Electric Bike Pays Homage to Café Racer Culture
Katsikopoulou, Myrto. 2019
- Facebook acquires neural interface startup CTRL-labs for its mind-reading wristband.
Statt, Nick. 2017
- A simple, smart, and elegant - yes, elegant – glucose monitor.
Rhodes, Margaret.

IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2014
- Breast Cancer Detection Using High-Density Flexible Electrodes and Electrical Impedance Tomography.

Campisi, M.; Barbre, C.; Chola, A.; Cunningham, G.; Woods, V.; Viventi, J

ACS Nano Letters. 2013
- Label-free Detection of Single Protein Using a Nanoplasmonic-photonic Hybrid Microcavity.

Dantham, V.R.; Holler, S.; Barbre, C.; Keng, D.; Kolchenko, V.; Arnold, S. 13(7), pp. 3347-3351.

Optics Express. 2012
- Periodic Plasmonic Enhancing Epitopes on a Whispering Gallery Mode Biosensor.
Arnold, S.; Dantham, V. R.; Barbre, C.; Garetz, B. A.; Fan, X. D. 20(24), pp. 26147-26159.

Wired Magazine. 2007
- Art of the Transformer.

Citroën DS19 robotic car transforming at the French National Auto Show.
Jatras, T., Artist: MacMurtrie, C. Article and Photographs.


New York University, Tandon School of Engineering
MS, Biomedical Engineering.
National Science Foundation Research Fellow

Pratt Institute, School of Art and Design
BID, Industrial Design. 2006
President’s List, Merit Scholarship

- Solidworks, Altium, Adobe Suite, Python, Matlab, Labview, JS, HTML, CSS, C/C#